
How Not To Fail With Network Marketing or Any Endeavor!

Follow me here my friend; I am going to show you how to eliminate failure inyour network marketing business with certainty. As long as you have a good serviceor product, and a sound company to support you, failure will not be a thought toconsider and certainly not an event in your future!I know you do not know me; however, you will soon understand how I came to knowthese principles and am sure you can eliminate failure in your network marketingendeavor. Besides my education in self-improvement and business management, I spentnearly 24 years in military elite units and know what it takes to succeed achievingthings that were much more mental, emotional and physically demanding than anybusiness endeavor! I have also built successful multi-million dollar sales teamssince retiring for the military utilizing these same simple truths of success.When I think about some of the things I have done in the past such as become thefirst honor graduate for US Army Ranger School to receive all four awards that areusually given to three or four graduates, I realize that the biggest or greatestprinciple for eliminating failure is a total commitment to succeed. I mean a totalcommitted no quit attitude!I arrived to that highly regarded Army leadership school as one of the oldest toever attend and recovering from pneumonia which I acquired on a previous deployment.I was weak physically and I also had a cadre that at times in my mind weredetermined to be harder on me than other Ranger students because Nail Brush of my seniorityand the fact that I was a Special Forces soldier..sort of a friendly rivalry withRangers.This is a tough school physically and mentally. My no quit attitude andnatural inclination to give everything I have and help my fellow students is whatcarried me to success after those almost 90 days of training. I lost 35lbs…I arrivedwith a sick 189 lb frame and left at 154lbs! I have a photo from the newspaperarticle of this event which shows a pretty skinny, sickly soldier.This true story is to illustrate what total commitment means. How committed are youto your success? How bad do you want to succeed? Is there anything that will swayyou to quit? Do any thoughts of quitting ever cross your mind?IF,…….in your network marketing company you have winners, people that havethe kind of success you want, do you think you can do the same? If there is anydoubt in your mind, even a sliver that you cannot succeed like them, you musteliminate this doubt! You see, once you have total commitment even if you do not know the "how" part ofthe business, you will gain the energy to take action each day and learn what youhave Nail Polish to do to succeed. I didn't know "how" to be a Ranger, I committed and learnedand never quit. Quitting was never an option in my mind.I can go over the fundamentals of network marketing success such as learning SEO,PPC, Ad Copy, Web 2.0, social marketing, article marketing etc. etc…all of thatis important but means nothing until you are clear about your desire, purpose,vision, and totally committed persistence.I will leave you with this my friend; you can achieve and get what you wantin network marketing when you are willing to do what it takes. How and what youthink determines the choices that you make; your mind and action is the cause ofeverything in your life. You can let life control you or you can take the powerfrom uncertainty and control your life forever! Control your results with clarityof your desire and commitment to proper action.Commit to never quitting. Find a mentor to show you the way. Learn the business ofnetwork marketing and with daily action, persist to your inevitable success!Never Quit.>

