
Leverage Your Home Business By Re-Using Content

Wikipedia defines leverage as "A force compounded by means of a lever rotating around a pivot" and "By extension, any influence which is compounded or used to gain an advantage." The latter part of that definition is the most relevant for home-based businesses.Leverage is most often expressed in either monetary or mechanical terms, but it has much broader application to a lot of contexts, including the internet marketing industry.So how can we interpret the term "any influence" for our online businesses?One of the fastest and easiest ways for an internet business to leverage our results is by re-using existing content. I'm sure you've seen the countless ebooks currently advertised on the internet - most of these are examples of re-using content, although some may have been originally written as ebooks, most started out as a single blog post, or a response to a customer email, perhaps even a collection of FAQs.Financially, the leverage benefit is usually expressed as a ratio of some type, for example, a debt-to-equity ratio. Such ratios are useful for accountants, but accountants are not the primary audience here.What advantage can we realize by leveraging our existing content? Consider the following simplistic example (no rocket science here): Assume that it takes you 10 hours to write a document for use with a single customer and then sell it to that customer for $50.00. You would have Wholesale China earned led lights $50.00, but it would have taken you 10 hours to acquire that $50.00; in other words, you have earned about $5 per hour (less than the current minimum wage) for your work and made zero profit. Assume, however, you take that same document (modified to remove any non-generic) and offer it as an ebook on the Net for $19.95, and that you eventually sell 100 copies of your published ebook. You would have earned $1995, and if you deduct the $50 it cost to develop the first text minus another $5 to customize it for any customer/proprietary info, leaving you with an increased profit of $1940.00.This example describes the benefits of leverage, specifically the advantage obtained from re-using existing content. Once we become aware of leverage, we discover many different applications to our businesses. This article has addressed one of those ways. Additional articles will discuss other ways that affiliate businesses can apply other types of leverage.

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